at Gimnasio los pinos

Welcome to Gimnasio los Pinos

We educate the future transformers of our society and our world, as passionate, proactive, talented and happy people, protagonists of the construction of their own knowledge.


At Gimnasio los Pinos we grow your potential!

We practice education through the potentialization of students' talents in sports, arts, humanities, applied sciences with a key component: Student happiness

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We have extracurricular activities that will develop the true potential of the student.

Country spaces. All of our classrooms are 100% technological. Qualified teachers.

Strategic partners

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Latest news

Gimnasio los Pinos

Contact info

Landline: PBX (057)(1) 670 00 08Mobile phone: (057) 300 896 04 75Address: Calle 193 # 9-20, Bogotá, Colombia 🇨🇴

Attention schedule

From 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Academic secretariat

Sara Fuquen secretaria_academica@gimnasiolospinos.edu.co

Billing section

Nazly Diaz facturacionycartera@gimnasiolospinos.edu.co

Human talent

Malorik Sanabria talentohumano@gimnasiolospinos.edu.co
Work with us